$val) { if (is_array($val)) { $array[$key] = addSlashesArray($val); } else { $array[$key] = addslashes($val); } } return $array; } if (!ini_get("magic_quotes_gpc") || ini_get("magic_quotes_gpc") == "off") { $_POST = addSlashesArray($_POST); $_GET = addSlashesArray($_GET); $_REQUEST = addSlashesArray($_REQUEST); $_COOKIE = addSlashesArray($_COOKIE); } /* foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { print "POST: $key = $val
"; } foreach ($_GET as $key => $val) { print "GET: $key = $val
"; } foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $val) { print "REQ: $key = $val
"; } foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $val) { print "COOKIE: $key = $val
"; } */ ?> array("integer not null primary key auto_increment","sys:ID"), "email" => array("varchar(255) not null","Email"), "confirmed" => array("tinyint default 0","sys:Is the email of this user confirmed"), "entered" => array("datetime","sys:Time Created"), "modified" => array("timestamp","sys:Time modified"), "uniqid" => array("varchar(255)","sys:Unique ID for User"), "unique" => array("(email)","sys:unique"), "htmlemail" => array("tinyint default 0","Send this user HTML emails"), "subscribepage" => array("integer","sys:Which page was used to subscribe"), "rssfrequency" => array("varchar(100)","RSS Frequency"), "password" => array("varchar(255)","Password"), "passwordchanged" => array("datetime","sys:Last time password was changed"), "disabled" => array("tinyint default 0","Is this account disabled?"), "extradata" => array("text","Additional data"), */ // insert into user db Sql_Query(sprintf('insert into %s set email = "%s", entered = now(),modified = now(),password = "%s", passwordchanged = now(),disabled = 0, uniqid = "%s",htmlemail = 1 ',$GLOBALS['tables']['user'],$email,$password,getUniqid())); $ar = Sql_Affected_Rows(); if ($ar > 0) { $id = Sql_Insert_Id(); } else { $id = 0; } return $id; } function AttributeValue($table,$value) { global $table_prefix; # workaround for integration webbler/phplist if (!isset($table_prefix)) $table_prefix = "phplist_"; if (ereg(",",$value)) { $result = ""; $res = Sql_Query(sprintf('select name from %slistattr_%s where id in (%s)', $table_prefix,$table,$value)); while ($row = Sql_Fetch_row($res)) { $result .= $row[0]."; "; } return substr($result,0,-2); } elseif ($value) { $res = Sql_Query(sprintf('select name from %slistattr_%s where id = %d', $table_prefix,$table,$value)); $row = Sql_Fetch_row($res); } else { # return "Invalid Attribute Index"; } return $row[0]; } function getUserAttributeValues($email = '', $id = 0) { global $table_prefix,$tables; if (!$email && !$id) return; # workaround for integration webbler/phplist if (!isset($table_prefix)) $table_prefix = "phplist_"; if (isset($tables["attribute"])) { $att_table = $tables["attribute"]; $user_att_table = $tables["user_attribute"]; $usertable = $tables["user"]; } else { $att_table = "attribute"; $user_att_table = "user_attribute"; $usertable = "user"; } $result = array(); if ($email && !$id) { $userid = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query("select id from {$usertable} where email = \"$email\""); $id = $userid[0]; } if (!$id) return; $att_req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select %s.name,%s.id from %s,%s where %s.userid = %s and %s.id = %s.attributeid', $att_table, $att_table, $user_att_table, $att_table, $user_att_table, $id, $att_table, $user_att_table )); while ($att = Sql_fetch_array($att_req)) { $result[$att["name"]] = UserAttributeValue($id,$att["id"]); } return $result; } function UserAttributeValue($user = 0,$attribute = 0) { # workaround for integration webbler/phplist global $table_prefix,$tables; if (!isset($table_prefix)) $table_prefix = "phplist_"; # if (!$user || !$attribute) return; if (isset($tables["attribute"])) { $att_table = $tables["attribute"]; $user_att_table = $tables["user_attribute"]; } else { $att_table = "attribute"; $user_att_table = "user_attribute"; } $att = Sql_Fetch_array_Query("select * from $att_table where id = $attribute"); switch ($att["type"]) { case "checkboxgroup": $val_ids = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query("select value from $user_att_table where userid = $user and attributeid = $attribute"); if ($val_ids[0]) { $value = ''; $res = Sql_Query("select $table_prefix"."listattr_".$att["tablename"].".name from $user_att_table,$table_prefix"."listattr_".$att["tablename"]." where $user_att_table".".userid = ".$user." and $table_prefix"."listattr_".$att["tablename"].".id in ($val_ids[0]) and $user_att_table".".attributeid = ".$attribute); while ($row = Sql_Fetch_row($res)) $value .= $row[0]."; "; $value = substr($value,0,-2); } else { $value = ""; } break; case "select": case "radio": $res = Sql_Query("select $table_prefix"."listattr_".$att["tablename"].".name from $user_att_table,$table_prefix"."listattr_".$att["tablename"]." where $user_att_table".".userid = ".$user." and $table_prefix"."listattr_".$att["tablename"].".id = $user_att_table".".value and $user_att_table".".attributeid = ".$attribute); $row = Sql_Fetch_row($res); $value = $row[0]; break; default: $res = Sql_Query("select value from $user_att_table where $user_att_table".".userid = ".$user." and attributeid = ".$attribute); $row = Sql_Fetch_row($res); $value = $row[0]; } return $value; } function userName() { global $config; if (!is_array($config["nameattributes"])) return ""; $res = ""; foreach ($config["nameattributes"] as $att) { $res .= $_SESSION["userdata"][$att]["displayvalue"].' '; } return rtrim($res); } function isBlackListed($email = "") { if (!$email) return 0; if (!Sql_Table_exists($GLOBALS["tables"]["user_blacklist"])) return 0; $gracetime = sprintf('%d',$GLOBALS["blacklist_gracetime"]); if (!$gracetime || $gracetime > 15 || $gracetime < 0) { $gracetime = 5; } # allow 5 minutes to send the last message acknowledging unsubscription $req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where email = "%s" and date_add(added,interval %d minute) < now()', $GLOBALS["tables"]["user_blacklist"],$email,$gracetime)); return Sql_Affected_Rows(); } function isBlackListedID($userid = 0) { if (!$userid) return 0; $email = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query("select email from {$GLOBALS["tables"]["user"]} where id = $userid"); return isBlackListed($email[0]); } function unBlackList($userid = 0) { if (!$userid) return; $email = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query("select email from {$GLOBALS["tables"]["user"]} where id = $userid"); Sql_Query(sprintf('delete from %s where email = "%s"', $GLOBALS["tables"]["user_blacklist"],$email[0])); Sql_Query(sprintf('delete from %s where email = "%s"', $GLOBALS["tables"]["user_blacklist_data"],$email[0])); Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set blacklisted = 0 where id = %d',$GLOBALS["tables"]["user"],$userid)); if (isset($_SESSION["logindetails"]["adminname"])) { $msg = "Removed from blacklist by ".$_SESSION["logindetails"]["adminname"]; addUserHistory($email[0],$msg,""); } } function addUserToBlackList($email,$reason = '') { Sql_Query(sprintf('insert ignore into %s (email,added) values("%s",now())', $GLOBALS['tables']["user_blacklist"],addslashes($email))); Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set blacklisted = 1 where email = "%s"', $GLOBALS['tables']["user"],addslashes($email))); # save the reason, and other data Sql_Query(sprintf('insert ignore into %s (email,name,data) values("%s","%s","%s")', $GLOBALS['tables']["user_blacklist_data"],addslashes($email), "reason",addslashes($reason))); foreach (array("REMOTE_ADDR") as $item ) { # @@@do we want to know more? if (isset($_SERVER[$item])) { Sql_Query(sprintf('insert ignore into %s (email,name,data) values("%s","%s","%s")', $GLOBALS['tables']["user_blacklist_data"],addslashes($email), $item,addslashes($_SERVER[$item]))); } } } function UserAttributeValueSelect($user = 0,$attribute = 0) { # if (!$user || !$attribute) return; global $table_prefix,$tables; # workaround for integration webbler/phplist if (!isset($table_prefix)) $table_prefix = "phplist_"; if ($tables["attribute"]) { $att_table = $tables["attribute"]; $user_att_table = $tables["user_attribute"]; } else { $att_table = "attribute"; $user_att_table = "user_attribute"; } if (!Sql_Table_exists($att_table)) { return "broken attribute $attribute"; } $att = Sql_Fetch_array_Query("select * from $att_table where id = $attribute"); # $value = UserAttributeValue($att["tablename"],$attribute); $value = UserAttributeValue($user,$attribute); $html .= 'Value: '.$value; $html = sprintf(''; } function UserAttributeValueCbGroup($user = 0,$attribute = 0) { # if (!$user || !$attribute) return; global $table_prefix,$tables; if ($tables["attribute"]) { $att_table = $tables["attribute"]; $user_att_table = $tables["user_attribute"]; } else { $att_table = "attribute"; $user_att_table = "user_attribute"; } # workaround for integration webbler/phplist if (!isset($table_prefix)) $table_prefix = "phplist_"; $att = Sql_Fetch_array_Query("select * from $att_table where id = $attribute"); $values_req = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query("select value from $user_att_table where userid = $user and attributeid = $attribute"); $values = split(",",$values_req[0]); $html = sprintf('',$attribute); # $html = sprintf('', $attribute,$row[0],in_array($row[0],$values)?"checked":"",$row[1]); return $html . '
'; } function userGroups($loginname) { $result = array(); if (Sql_Table_exists("user_group")) { $req = Sql_Query("select groupid from user_group,user where user_group.userid = user.id and user.email = \"$loginname\""); while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($req)) array_push($result,$row[0]); } return $result; } function is_email($email) { if (isset($GLOBALS['config']) && isset($GLOBALS["config"]["dont_require_validemail"]) && $GLOBALS["config"]["dont_require_validemail"]) return 1; $email = trim($email); # hmm, it seems people are starting to have emails with & and ' or ` chars in the name #' $pattern = "^[\&\'-_.[:alnum:]]+@((([[:alnum:]]|[[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]-]*[[:alnum:]])\.)+(ac|ad|ae|aero|af|ag|ai|al|am|an|ao|aq|ar|arpa|as|asia|at|au|aw|az|ba|bb|bd|be|bf|bg|bh|bi|biz|bj|bm|bn|bo|br|bs|bt|bv|bw|by|bz|ca|cat|cc|cd|cf|cg|ch|ci|ck|cl|cm|cn|co|com|coop|cr|cs|cu|cv|cx|cy|cz|de|dev|dj|dk|dm|do|dz|ec|edu|ee|eg|eh|er|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fk|fm|fo|fr|ga|gb|gd|ge|gf|gg|gh|gi|gl|gm|gn|gov|gp|gq|gr|gs|gt|gu|gw|gy|hk|hm|hn|home|hr|ht|hu|id|ie|il|in|info|int|io|iq|ir|is|it|jm|je|jo|jp|ke|kg|kh|ki|km|kn|kp|kr|kw|ky|kz|la|lb|lc|li|lk|lr|loc|ls|lt|lu|lv|ly|ma|mc|md|mg|mh|mil|mk|ml|mm|mn|mo|mobi|mp|mq|mr|ms|mt|mu|museum|mv|mw|mx|my|mz|na|name|nc|ne|net|nf|ng|ni|nl|no|np|nr|nt|nu|nz|om|org|pa|pe|pf|pg|ph|pk|pl|pm|pn|pr|pro|ps|pt|pw|py|qa|quipu|re|ro|ru|rw|sa|sb|sc|sd|se|sg|sh|si|sj|sk|sl|sm|sn|so|sr|st|su|sv|sy|sz|tc|td|tel|tf|tg|th|tj|tk|tm|tn|to|tp|tr|travel|tt|tv|tw|tz|ua|ug|uk|um|us|uy|uz|va|vc|ve|vg|vi|vn|vu|wf|ws|ye|yt|yu|za|zm|zw)|(([0-9][0-9]?|[0-1][0-9][0-9]|[2][0-4][0-9]|[2][5][0-5])\.){3}([0-9][0-9]?|[0-1][0-9][0-9]|[2][0-4][0-9]|[2][5][0-5]))$"; if(eregi($pattern, $email)) return(1); else return(0); } function addUserHistory($email,$msg,$detail) { global $table_prefix,$tables; if ($tables["user"]) { $user_table = $tables["user"]; $user_his_table = $tables["user_history"]; } else { $user_table = "user"; $user_his_table = "user_history"; } $sysinfo = ""; $sysarrays = array_merge($_ENV,$_SERVER); if (is_array($GLOBALS["userhistory_systeminfo"])) { foreach ($GLOBALS["userhistory_systeminfo"] as $key) { if (isset($sysarrays[$key])) { $sysinfo .= "\n$key = $sysarrays[$key]"; } } } elseif (is_array($GLOBALS["config"]["userhistory_systeminfo"])) { foreach ($GLOBALS["config"]["userhistory_systeminfo"] as $key) { if ($sysarrays[$key]) { $sysinfo .= "\n$key = $sysarrays[$key]"; } } } else { $default = array('HTTP_USER_AGENT','HTTP_REFERER','REMOTE_ADDR'); foreach ($sysarrays as $key => $val) { if (in_array($key,$default)) $sysinfo .= "\n$key = ".$val; } } $userid = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query("select id from $user_table where email = \"$email\""); if ($userid[0]) { if (isset($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"])) { $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; } else { $ip = ''; } Sql_Query(sprintf('insert into %s (ip,userid,date,summary,detail,systeminfo) values("%s",%d,now(),"%s","%s","%s")',$user_his_table,$ip,$userid[0],$msg,htmlspecialchars($detail),$sysinfo)); } } function validateEmail($email) { if ($GLOBALS["config"]["dont_require_validemail"]) return 1; if (!isset($GLOBALS["check_for_host"])) { $GLOBALS["check_for_host"] = 0; } if (isset($email) && $GLOBALS["check_for_host"]) { list($username,$domaincheck) = split('@',$email); # checking for an MX is not sufficient # $mxhosts = array(); # $validhost = getmxrr ($domaincheck,$mxhosts); $validhost = checkdnsrr($domaincheck, "MX") || checkdnsrr($domaincheck, "A"); } else { $validhost = 1; } return $validhost && is_email($email); } function validMod10($no) { $dups = array(); $rev = strrev($no); for ($i=0;$i"; } return ($total % 10 == 0); # print "$no"; } function validateCC($ccno) { # credit card validation routines here # major credit cards that you might want to validate. #CARD TYPE Prefix Length Check digit algorithm #MASTERCARD 51-55 16 mod 10 #VISA 4 13,16 mod 10 #AMEX 34,37 15 mod 10 #Diners Club/Carte Blanche 300-305,36,38 14 mod 10 #Discover 6011 16 mod 10 #enRoute 2014,2149 15 any #JCB 3 16 mod 10 #JCB 2131,1800 15 mod 10 $ccno = preg_replace("/\D/","",$ccno); $length = strlen($ccno); $firsttwo = substr($ccno,0,2); $firstthree = substr($ccno,0,3); $first = substr($ccno,0,1); $firstfour = substr($ccno,0,4); if ($firsttwo >= 51 && $firsttwo <= 55) # Mastercard return $length == 16 && validMod10($ccno); elseif ($first == 4) # visa return ($length == 13 || $length == 16) && validMod10($ccno); elseif ($firsttwo == 34 || $firsttwo == 37) # Amex return $length == 15 && validMod10($ccno); elseif (($firstthree >= 300 && $firstthree <= 305) # Diners1 || ($firsttwo == 36 || $firsttwo == 38)) # Diners2 return $length == 14 && validMod10($ccno); elseif ($firstfour == 6011) # discover return $length == 16 && validMod10($ccno); elseif ($firstfour == 2014 || $firstfour == 2149) # enRoute return $length == 15; else # if it is not any of the above, we do not know how to validate it # reject 4 and 15 1s anyway apart when request is from tincan offices if ($ccno == "4111111111111111" && getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") != '') { return 0; } return 1; } function loadCCvalidationFile($ccrangefile) { if (!is_file($ccrangefile)) return array(); $range = array(); $fp = fopen($ccrangefile,"rb"); $contents = fread($fp,filesize($ccrangefile)); fclose($fp); $lines = explode("\n",$contents); foreach ($lines as $line) { if (!preg_match("/^\s*#/",$line) && !preg_match("/^\s+$/",$line)) { if (preg_match("#(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)#",$line,$regs)) { array_push($range,array( "start" => $regs[1], "end" => $regs[2], "company" => sprintf('%02d',$regs[3]) )); # dbg($regs[1]. " ". $regs[2]. " -> ".$regs[3]); } elseif (preg_match("#\((\d+)\)\s*=\s*'(.*)'#",$line,$regs)) { $company[sprintf('%02d',$regs[1])] = $regs[2]; # dbg($regs[1]. " = " . $regs[2]); } } } return array($range,$company); } function ccCompany($ccno) { global $config; $ccrangefile = $config["code_root"]."/".$config["uploader_dir"]."/codelib/ccvalidation.txt"; list($ranges,$companies) = loadCCvalidationFile($ccrangefile); $first6 = substr($ccno,0,6); if (is_array($ranges)) foreach ($ranges as $range) { # dbg($range["start"]); if ($range["start"] <= $first6 && $range["end"] >= $first6) { return array($range["company"],$companies[$range["company"]]); } } return -1; } function checkCCrange($ccno) { global $config; $ccrangefile = $config["code_root"]."/".$config["uploader_dir"]."/codelib/ccvalidation.txt"; if (!is_file($ccrangefile) || !is_array($config["cc_accept_company"])) return 1; list($companyid,$companyname) = ccCompany($ccno); if ($companyid > 0 && in_array($companyid,$config["cc_accept_company"])) { # dbg($ccno . " is valid for company $companyid $companyname"); return 1; } elseif ($companyid < 0) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } function validateCCExpiry($ccexpiry) { # expiry date validation here $mon = substr($ccexpiry,0,2); if (strlen($ccexpiry) == 5) { # I presume it is with a separator $year = substr($ccexpiry,3,2); } elseif (strlen($ccexpiry) == 4) { $year = substr($ccexpiry,2,2); } else { return 0; } $yeardiff = $year - date("y"); return ($mon < 13 && $yeardiff < 9 && (($year > date("y")) || ($year == date("y") && $mon >= date("m")))); } function obscureCreditCard($cardno) { if (strlen($cardno) < 5) return $cardno; $res = substr($cardno,strlen($cardno)-4,4); for ($i=0;$i $att["name"], "value" => $att["value"], "type" => $att["type"], "attid" => $att["id"] ); switch ($att["type"]) { case "textline": case "hidden": $_SESSION["userdata"]["attribute".$att["id"]]["displayvalue"] = $att["value"]; break; case "creditcardno": $_SESSION["userdata"]["attribute".$att["id"]]["displayvalue"] = obscureCreditCard($att["value"]); break; case "select": $_SESSION["userdata"]["attribute".$att["id"]]["displayvalue"] = AttributeValue($att["tablename"],$att["value"]); break; } # } } $d_req = Sql_Fetch_Array_Query("select * from user where email = \"$loginname\""); $_SESSION["userid"] = $d_req["id"]; foreach (array("email","disabled","confirmed","htmlemail","uniqid") as $field) { # if (!defined($_SESSION["userdata"][$field])) { $_SESSION["userdata"][$field] = array( "name" => $field, "value" => $d_req[$field], "type" => "static", "displayvalue" => $d_req[$field] ); # } } dbg("done loading user"); $_SESSION["usergroups"] = userGroups($loginname); return 1; } function addKeywordLibrary($name) { $req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select id from keywordlib where name = "%s"',$name)); if (Sql_affected_Rows()) { $row = Sql_Fetch_Row($req); return $row[0]; } Sql_Query(sprintf('insert into keywordlib (name) values("%s")',$name)); return Sql_Insert_id(); } function getNewAttributeTablename($name) { global $table_prefix,$tables; if ($tables["attribute"]) { $table = $tables["attribute"]; } else { $table = "attribute"; } $lc_name = substr(preg_replace("/\W/","", strtolower($name)),0,10); # if ($lc_name == "") Fatal_Error("Name cannot be empty: $lc_name"); if (!$lc_name) $lc_name = "attribute"; Sql_Query("select * from $table where tablename = \"$lc_name\""); # if (Sql_Affected_Rows()) Fatal_Error("Name is not unique enough"); $c = 1; $basename = $lc_name; while (Sql_Affected_Rows() && $c < 100) { $lc_name = $basename.$c; Sql_Query("select * from $table where tablename = \"$lc_name\""); $c++; } return $lc_name; } function isGuestAccount() { if (!is_array($_SESSION["userdata"])) { return 1; } if ($GLOBALS["config"]["guestaccount_attribute"]) { return $_SESSION['userdata'][$GLOBALS["config"]["guestaccount_attribute"]]['value']; } if ($GLOBALS["config"]["guestaccount_email_match"]) { return preg_match($GLOBALS["config"]["guestaccount_email_match"],$_SESSION["userdata"]["email"]["value"]); } } function saveUserAttribute($userid,$attid,$data) { if ($data["nodbsave"]) { dbg("Not saving $attid"); return; } if (strtolower($data) == 'invalid attribute index') { return; } if ($attid == "emailcheck" || $attid == "passwordcheck") { dbg("Not saving $attid"); return; } if (!$data["type"]) $data["type"] = "textline"; if ($data["type"] == "static" || $data["type"] == "password") { Sql_Query(sprintf('update user set %s = "%s" where id = %d', $attid,$data["value"],$userid)); if ($data["type"] == "password") { Sql_Query(sprintf('update user set passwordchanged = now() where id = %d', $userid)); } return 1; } $attid_req = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf(' select id,type,tablename from attribute where id = %d',$attid)); if (!$attid_req[0]) { $attid_req = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf(' select id,type,tablename from attribute where name = "%s"',$data["name"])); if (!$attid_req[0]) { if ($GLOBALS["config"]["autocreate_attributes"]) { Dbg("Creating new Attribute: ".$data["name"]); sendError("creating new attribute ".$data["name"]); $atttable= getNewAttributeTablename($data["name"]); Sql_Query(sprintf('insert into attribute (name,type,tablename) values("%s","%s","%s")',$data["name"],$data["type"],$atttable)); $attid = Sql_Insert_Id(); } else { dbg("Not creating new Attribute: ".$data["name"]); # sendError("Not creating new attribute ".$data["name"]); } } else { $attid = $attid_req[0]; $atttable = $attid_req[2]; } } else { $attid = $attid_req[0]; $atttable = $attid_req[2]; } if (!$atttable) { $atttable = getNewAttributeTablename($data["name"]); # fix attribute without tablename Sql_Query(sprintf('update attribute set tablename ="%s" where id = %d', $atttable,$attid)); # sendError("Attribute without Tablename $attid"); } switch ($data["type"]) { case "static": case "password": Sql_Query(sprintf('update user set %s = "%s" where id = %d', $attid,$data["value"],$userid)); break; case "select": $curval = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select id from phplist_listattr_%s where name = "%s"',$atttable,$data["displayvalue"]),1); if (!$curval[0] && $data['displayvalue'] && $data['displayvalue'] != '') { Sql_Query(sprintf('insert into phplist_listattr_%s (name) values("%s")',$atttable, $data["displayvalue"])); sendError("Added ".$data["displayvalue"]." to $atttable"); $valid = Sql_Insert_id(); } else { $valid = $curval[0]; } Sql_Query(sprintf('replace into user_attribute (userid,attributeid,value) values(%d,%d,"%s")',$userid,$attid,$valid)); break; default: Sql_Query(sprintf('replace into user_attribute (userid,attributeid,value) values(%d,%d,"%s")',$userid,$attid,$data["value"])); break; } return 1; } function saveUserByID($userid,$data) { while (list($key,$val) = each($data)) { if (preg_match("/^attribute(\d+)/",$key,$regs)) { $attid = $regs[1]; } else { $attid = $key; } dbg("Saving attribute $key, $attid, $val for $userid"); if ($userid && $attid && $data[$key]["type"] != "userfield" && !$data[$key]["nodbsave"]) saveUserAttribute($userid,$attid,$val); } } function saveUser($loginname,$data) { # saves user to database $id_req = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query("select id from user where email = \"$loginname\""); if ($id_req[0]) { $userid = $id_req[0]; while (list($key,$val) = each($data)) { if (ereg("^attribute(\d+)",$key,$regs)) { $attid = $regs[1]; } dbg("Saving attribute $key, $attid, $val for $loginname, $userid"); if ($userid && $attid) saveUserAttribute($userid,$key,$val); } } return 1; } function saveUserData($username,$fields) { # saves data in session, not in database dbg("Saving user $username"); if (!is_array($_SESSION["userdata"])) { initialiseUserSession(); } if (!$username) { $username = 'Unknown User'; } $res = ""; $required_fields = explode(",",$_POST["required"]); if ($_POST["unrequire"]) { $unrequired_fields = explode(",",$_POST["unrequire"]); $required_fields = array_diff($required_fields,$unrequired_fields); } else { $unrequired_fields = array(); } $required_formats = explode(",",$_POST["required_formats"]); $description_fields = explode(",",$_POST["required_description"]); reset($fields); # dbg("Checking fields"); foreach ($fields as $fname => $fielddetails) { # dbg($fname); $key = $fname; $val = $_POST[$fname]; if (!ereg("required",$key) && $key != "unrequire" && $fields[$key]["type"] != "separator" && $fields[$key]["type"] != "emailcheck" && $fields[$key]["type"] != "passwordcheck" ) { # dbg($fname ." of type ".$fields[$key]["type"]); if (!is_array($_SESSION["userdata"][$key])) $_SESSION["userdata"][$key] = array(); $_SESSION["userdata"][$key]["name"] = $fields[$key]["name"]; $_SESSION["userdata"][$key]["type"] = $fields[$key]["type"]; if ($fields[$key]["type"] == "creditcardno") { # dont overwrite known CC with *** if (!preg_match("#^\*+#",$val)) { $_SESSION["userdata"][$key]["value"] = ltrim($val); } } else { $_SESSION["userdata"][$key]["value"] = ltrim($val); } if ($fields[$key]["type"] == "select") { if (!empty($val) && is_array($fields[$key]["values"])) { $_SESSION["userdata"][$key]["displayvalue"] = $fields[$key]["values"][$val]; } } elseif ($fields[$key]["type"] == "checkboxgroup") { $_SESSION["userdata"][$key]["value"] = join(",",$val); } elseif ($fields[$key]["type"] == "creditcardno") { # erase any non digits from the CC numbers $_SESSION["userdata"][$key]["value"] = preg_replace("/\D/","",$_SESSION["userdata"][$key]["value"]); $_SESSION["userdata"][$key]["displayvalue"] = obscureCreditCard($_SESSION["userdata"][$key]["value"]); } elseif ($fields[$key]["name"] == "Card Number") { $_SESSION["userdata"][$key]["value"] = preg_replace("/\D/","",$_SESSION["userdata"][$key]["value"]); $_SESSION["userdata"][$key]["displayvalue"] = obscureCreditCard($_SESSION["userdata"][$key]["value"]); /* $_SESSION["userdata"][$key]["displayvalue"] = substr($_SESSION["userdata"][$key]["displayvalue"],0,4); for ($i=0;$i $field_attr_value) { if (!isset($_SESSION["userdata"][$key][$field_attr]) && !preg_match("/^\d+$/",$key) && !preg_match("/^\d+$/",$field_attr) ) { $_SESSION["userdata"][$key][$field_attr] = $field_attr_value; } } # save it to the DB as well } else { # dbg("Not checking ".$fname ." of type ".$fields[$key]["type"]); } } # fix UK postcodes to correct format if ($_SESSION["userdata"][$GLOBALS["config"]["country_attribute"]]["displayvalue"] == "United Kingdom") { $postcode = $_SESSION["userdata"][$GLOBALS["config"]["postcode_attribute"]]["value"]; $postcode = strtoupper(str_replace(" ","",$postcode)); if (preg_match("/(.*)(\d\w\w)$/",$postcode,$regs)) { $_SESSION["userdata"][$GLOBALS["config"]["postcode_attribute"]]["value"] = trim($regs[1])." ".$regs[2]; $_SESSION["userdata"][$GLOBALS["config"]["postcode_attribute"]]["displayvalue"] = trim($regs[1])." ".$regs[2]; } } # dbg("Checking required fields"); reset($required_fields); while (list($index,$field) = each ($required_fields)) { $type = $fields[$field]["type"]; # dbg("$field of type $type"); if ($field && !$_SESSION["userdata"][$field]["value"]) { $res = "Information missing: ".$description_fields[$index]; break; } else if ($required_formats[$index] && !preg_match(stripslashes($required_formats[$index]),$_SESSION["userdata"][$field]["value"])) { $res = "Sorry, you entered an invalid ".$description_fields[$index].": ".$_SESSION["userdata"][$field]["value"]; break; } else if ($field == "email" && !validateEmail($_SESSION["userdata"][$field]["value"])) { $res = "Sorry, the following field cannot be validated: ".$description_fields[$index].": ".$_SESSION["userdata"][$field]["value"]; break; } else if ($field == "cardtype" && $_SESSION["userdata"][$field]["value"] == "WSWITCH" && !preg_match("/\d/",$_SESSION["userdata"]["attribute82"]["value"])) { $res = "Sorry, a Switch Card requires a valid issue number. If you have a new Switch card without an issue number, please use 0 as the issue number."; break; } else if ($field == "cardtype" && $_SESSION["userdata"][$field]["value"] != "WSWITCH" && $_SESSION["userdata"]["attribute82"]["value"]) { $res = "Sorry, an issue number is not valid when not using a Switch Card"; break; } else if (($type == "creditcardno" || $field == "cardnumber") && !checkCCrange($_SESSION["userdata"][$field]["value"])) { list($cid,$cname) = ccCompany($_SESSION["userdata"][$field]["value"]); if (!$cname) $cname = '(Unknown Credit card)'; $res = "Sorry, we currently don't accept $cname cards"; break; } else if (($type == "creditcardno" || $field == "cardnumber") && !validateCC($_SESSION["userdata"][$field]["value"])) { $res = "Sorry, you entered an invalid ".$description_fields[$index];#.": ".$_SESSION["userdata"][$field]["value"]; break; } else if (($type == "creditcardexpiry" ||$field == "cardexpiry") && !validateCCExpiry($_SESSION["userdata"][$field]["value"])) { $res = "Sorry, you entered an invalid ".$description_fields[$index].": ".$_SESSION["userdata"][$field]["value"]; break; } } if ($_SESSION["userdata"][$GLOBALS["config"]["country_attribute"]]["displayvalue"] == "United Kingdom") { $postcode = $_SESSION["userdata"][$GLOBALS["config"]["postcode_attribute"]]["displayvalue"]; if (!preg_match("/(.*)(\d\w\w)$/",$postcode,$regs)) { $res = "That does not seem to be a valid UK postcode"; } elseif (!preg_match("/^[\s\w\d]+$/",$postcode,$regs)) { $res = "That does not seem to be a valid UK postcode"; } } if (is_array($GLOBALS["config"]["bocs_dpa"])) { if (!is_array($_SESSION["DPA"])) $_SESSION["DPA"] = array(); foreach ($GLOBALS["config"]["bocs_dpa"] as $dpaatt => $val) { if ($_SESSION["userdata"][$dpaatt]["displayvalue"]) { $_SESSION["DPA"][$val] = "Y"; } else { $_SESSION["DPA"][$val] = "N"; } } } # if no error in form check for subscriptions if (!$res && is_object($GLOBALS["config"]["plugins"]["phplist"])) { $phplist = $GLOBALS["config"]["plugins"]["phplist"]; foreach ($_SESSION["userdata"] as $key => $field) { if (($field["formtype"] == "List Subscription" || $field["type"] == "List Subscription") && $field["listid"]) { $listid = $field["listid"]; if ($field["value"]) { if ($phplist->addEmailToList($_SESSION["userdata"]["email"]["value"],$listid)) { $phplist->confirmEmail($_SESSION["userdata"]["email"]["value"]); # sendError("User added to list: $listid"); } else { # sendError("Error adding user to list: $listid"); } } #else { #$phplist->removeEmailFromList($_SESSION["userdata"]["email"]["value"],$listid); #} } } } return $res; } ?>
Fatal Error: Cannot connect to database, access denied. Please contact the administrator